The state of emergency has been extended for an additional 30 days in the Republic of Moldova

The state of emergency has been extended by 30 days, starting from December 1, 2023. The resolution proposing this extension was approved by 60 deputies.

The proposal to extend the state of emergency comes from the Government. According to the legislative initiative’s informative note, this decision is driven by the unfavorable dynamics in regional security over the past months, the multiple uncertainties regarding the ongoing conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, posing high security risks that could affect the Republic of Moldova.

Specifically, during the winter season, there is a risk of increased Russian military attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure, potentially leading to negative consequences for electricity deliveries to our country. Additionally, direct risks of energy insecurity due to a reduction in natural gas volumes delivered by the Russian Federation cannot be ruled out.

The project’s informative note also mentions the continued involvement of the Russian external factor in destabilizing trends in the Republic of Moldova.

Furthermore, considering the activation of efforts for the European integration of the Republic of Moldova and support for the EU’s common security and defense policy, there are ongoing premises for asymmetrical and disproportionate responses targeting our country’s main vulnerable strategic segments through Russia’s informational-subversive operations.

During the state of emergency, the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova will issue mandatory and enforceable provisions for the leaders of central and local public administration authorities, economic agents, public institutions, as well as for citizens and other individuals within the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

The state of emergency was declared nationwide by the Parliament on February 24, 2022, at the proposal of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, to facilitate prompt decision-making and efficient management of risks and threats that may arise.

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