The term “Transnistria” changed in the law on the movement of goods and services

The document, which, according to the leader of the “National Moldovan Party” DragoČ™ Galbur, “legalizes” Transnistria, has been amended. The Cabinet voted in favor of the draft and Oleg Serebryan’s proposal to write “Transnistrian region” with a capital letter.

“The term “Transnistria” appears in several normative acts from 2005. In the government action plan for 2023, we approved the term “Transnistrian region.” We propose to use this term for the uncontrolled term,” Serebryan said during the meeting.

The approved draft will regulate the turnover of goods and services that constitute the object of foreign economic activity of economic agents from Transnistria and their provision of electronic communication networks and services.

Last week, DragoČ™ Galbur announced that he would notify the prosecutor’s office that Secretary of State Vadim Humene had submitted a document that violated the country’s highest law.

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