The US has imposed sanctions against several people for trying to destabilize the Republic of Moldova: who is on the list?

The United States imposed sanctions on Monday on members of a Russian intelligence-linked group for their role in Moscow’s efforts to destabilize democracy and influence elections in Moldova, the Treasury Department said, transmits Reuters.

The new sanctions target seven Russian individuals, some of whom maintain ties to Russian intelligence services, the department said in a statement. They include the group’s leader, Konstantin Prokopyevich Sapozhnikov, who organized the plot to destabilize the government of Moldova in early 2023, it said.

The group is part of a large global information operation connected to Russia that targets Ukraine and bordering countries as well as the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the Treasury Department said. The group’s members provoke, train and oversee groups in democratic countries and conduct anti-government protests, rallies, marches, and demonstrations, it added.

The individuals include Yury Yuryevich Makolov, who the Treasury Department said was involved in logistical support for the plot; Gleb Maksimovich Khloponin, who gathered security details on various government buildings in Moldova; and Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Losev, who conducted reconnaissance in Moldova, according to the Treasury Department. Svetlana Andreyevna Boyko and Vasily Viktorovich Gromovikov handled budgeting and financing for the 2023 plot, it added.

“These malign influence operatives analyze countries vulnerable to exploitation and stoke fears that undermine faith in democratic principles in the targeted countries,” the department said in the statement.

Brian Nelson, the department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said Monday’s sanctions expose Russia’s ongoing efforts to destabilize democratic nations.

The European Union and Canada last week also imposed sanctions on Moldovans, citing destabilizing actions.

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