The White House is monitoring the situation in Transnistria. It is encouraged that Chisinau and Tiraspol collaborate

The US government is monitoring the situation on the left bank of the Dniester River. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller made the statement.

The official also referred to the fact that Russia’s actions in the breakaway area of Moldova are under monitoring. At the same time, he reiterated that Washington supports Moldova’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

“Given Russia’s increasingly aggressive and provocative role in Europe, we are watching Russia’s actions in Transnistria and the general situation in the country very closely. The United States supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders. We continue to help Chisinau and Tiraspol by collaborating and identifying solutions to the pressing concerns of communities on both sides of the Dniester,” Miller told journalists.


We notice that on Wednesday, Tiraspol asked Russia for “protection” against alleged pressure from the constitutional administration in Chisinau. At the meeting of the so-called deputies, the resolution was voted on by Krasnoselski.

Previously, there were rumours that the region may seek membership with Russia, a claim refuted by Chisinau and Kyiv. However, US military experts have also deemed this possibility as unlikely.

After talks with President Maia Sandu, and Prime Minister Dorin Recean, US diplomat Christopher Smith went to Tiraspol. The Chisinau government stated that the visit was pre-planned and unrelated to rumours of Russia’s annexation of the region.

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