There have been reports of unauthorized training of Russian troops in Transnistria. Chisinau has called for an end to any provocations

On 23 April, Russian troops in Transnistria carried out training without coordinating with Chisinau. The constitutional administration respectfully requests an end to the provocations.

According to the Bureau for Reintegration Policy, the Russian Federation military contingent conducted training for so-called “imitation repulsion of attacks on joint peacekeeping force posts”. Exercises take place in Dubasari, Cocieri, Bender, Firladeni, and Hagimus.

“The Republic of Moldova’s delegation to the Unified Control Commission has stated that the lack of coordination in the conduct of training is causing new tensions in the Security Zone, which is causing alarm among the local population. This evidence further substantiates the contention that the constituent acts of the peacekeeping mission on the Dniester River are being violated in a de facto sense,” the Office transmits.


In this context, the Moldovan delegation to the Joint Control Commission appeals to all components of the joint peacekeeping forces to exclude “such provocative actions, contrary to the principles of pacification and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova.”

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