Three lecturers from Moldova undertook a study visit to Finland, during which they participated in an international project


Two lecturers from the State University of Moldova (USM) and partners from the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” undertook a study visit to Finland from 16-20 April this year. They participated in an international project entitled “PeaceEdu – Curriculum Reform for promoting peace education in Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.”

The PeaceEdu project aims to develop instruments to mitigate peace-threatening challenges and prevent conflict through non-violent means in these countries.

“The project is concerned with challenges to peace and security in Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia. The project aims to advance peace education at the university level and disseminate the outcomes beyond the project to the general public. The overarching objective of the project is to facilitate the establishment of peace studies and peace education programs within higher education institutions, general education institutions, and youth organizations in Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine,” is written in a statement issued by USM.


The project will provide a counterbalance to the awareness of young people of the challenges that arise between individuals, ethnic groups, societies, and nations.

The PeaceEdu project includes 13 partners led by the Tampere Centre for Peace and Conflict Research (TAU, Finland) in partnership with representatives from Finland, Germany, Austria, Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia.