Today is the deadline to pay property tax for 2023

The deadline for settling the 2023 wealth tax is set for December 26. Delinquent payments will incur a penalty of 0.0740% of the outstanding tax amount for each day of delay, according to a report by the State Tax Service.

The wealth tax is levied on residential real estate, encompassing apartments, isolated residential rooms in multi-story buildings, apartments in individual houses, individual houses in urban and rural areas, and holiday cottages. However, this excludes lots meeting specific criteria: a combined estimated value of 2 million lei or more and a total area of 120 square meters or more.

Taxpayers obligated to pay the wealth tax should have received payment notices from the State Tax Service. Those who haven’t are advised to contact their local Tax Service.


For individuals with electronic signatures, the option to independently generate 2023 wealth tax payment notices is available through the “View tax based on real estate file” service on the State Tax Service website.

Conveniently, the wealth tax can also be settled online via the government e-payment gateway, Mpay, under the dedicated “Wealth Tax” service.

It’s essential to note that the deadline for wealth tax payment is officially December 25 of the reporting year. However, since December 25 is observed as a holiday, the deadline is extended to December 26.

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