Top Moldovan banks by the value of term deposits. Who dominates the market


At the end of July, the total value of term deposits in national currency constituted 21.1 billion lei, 2% more than in the similar month of 2021, the data of the National Bank of Moldova shows.

  1. BC “MAIB” S.A.
    Maib is the commercial bank with the largest deposits. According to the NBM, the bank is 7.2 billion lei.
  2. BC “Moldindconbank” S.A.
    In second place is Moldindconbank, with the value of deposits of 4.9 billion lei.
  3. OTP Bank S.A.
    OTP Bank is on the spot in the ranking, with term deposits with fixed interest worth 3 billion lei.
  4. B.C. “Victoriabank” S.A.
    Victoriabank owns term deposits with fixed interest rate worth 2.4 billion lei.
  5. “Fincombank” S.A.
    The top is completed by Fincombank, which has deposits worth 870 million lei.
  6. B.C. “Eximbank” S.A.
    According to the report published by the NBM, Eximbank has deposits of over 662.9 million lei.
    On the 7th place in the standings you can find Comerbank with 494.5 million lei.
  8. B.C. “Energybank” S.A.
    Energbank has deposits worth 439.3 million lei.
  9. B.C. “ProCredit Bank” S.A.
    Towards the end of the top you can find ProCredit Bank, which has deposits of 400.1 million lei.
  10. BC „EuroCreditBank” S.A.
    Eurocreditbank has warehouses worth 359.1 million lei.
  11. BCR Chisinau S.A.
    The bank with the smallest deposits is BCR Chisinau, the value of the warehouses being 202.6 million lei.