
Transformative Achievements in Education: Highlights from the Ministry of Education’s 2023 Initiatives

Today, December 29, Minister Dan Perciun presented the achievements of the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) in 2023 during a press conference. According to him, this year, MEC focused on supporting teaching staff and improving the learning conditions in institutions, especially in general education.

Among the main achievements in the field of education are the following.

#1. Education

  • Approval of a 15% salary increase for all teaching staff and a 21% increase for research sector employees.
  • On Teachers’ Day, for the first time, teachers received a one-time payment of 5,000 lei, and auxiliary staff received 3,000 lei. The total budget was 450,000 lei.
  • Implementation of the “Investing in Teachers” pilot project. The Ministry covered the expenses for continuous training courses for teachers to improve their professional skills. In total, 800 teaching staff benefited from free retraining, and 3,000 teachers received free continuous training.
  • Initiation of the process of streamlining and discontinuation of external evaluations of educational institutions.
  • Exclusion of reporting for the allocation intended for the procurement of teaching materials (4,000 lei).
  • Establishment of the National Institute for Education and Leadership. The institute is set to manage a network of 1,000 mentors who will ensure the relevance of teacher training, provide good professional practices, and support young specialists entering an educational institution.
  • Launch of a project in collaboration with the World Bank, with a total value of 50 million dollars, to be implemented starting next year.
  • Editing of 33 new textbook titles. The Ministry intends to purchase an additional 67 titles.
  • Approval of the staffing levels for general education institutions, a document that has not been revised since 1999.
  • Allocation of 25 million euros for the modernization of seven universities and six pedagogical colleges in the Republic of Moldova. The funds will be used for equipment, renovations, and the improvement of study quality in higher education institutions.
  • Doubling of scholarships for students at pedagogical universities.
  • Doubling of cash prizes for winners of school olympiads, national and international competitions.
  • Allocation of 23 million lei for the repair of student dormitories.
  • Allocation of 35 million lei for the renovation of vocational-technical education institutions.
  • Development of the inclusive education program for the period 2024-2027.
  • Approval of the National Research Program for the next four years.

#2. Youth

  • Approval of the Operating Regulations for Student Councils and the Operating Regulations for Youth Centers.
  • Approval of the Youth Strategy 2030.
  • Hosting the Youth Gala and rewarding active young individuals.

#3. Sports

  • Funding of 63 million lei for the sports sector – a record amount allocated.
  • Doubling of scholarships for performance athletes.
  • Organization of sports events at the European level in the Republic of Moldova (European Weightlifting Championship).

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