U.S. Ambassador Affirms Ongoing Support for Moldova’s Judicial Reform and Anti-Corruption Initiatives

In a recent meeting with the Minister of Justice, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, the U.S. Ambassador to Chișinău, Kent D. Logsdon, affirmed the United States’ commitment to supporting the Republic of Moldova in its ongoing efforts towards judicial reform and the fight against corruption.

During discussions, the participants delved into the ongoing processes and changes within Moldova’s justice system. Topics included the preliminary evaluation results of judges, the formation of a new composition for the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP), and the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), as reported by Infotag.

Jeff Bryan, the newly appointed head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) mission in Moldova, also attended the meeting. He highlighted justice-related projects implemented with the support of the organization, citing the notable “Model Courts” initiative.


Through this initiative, three courts in Bălți, Edineț, and Ungheni have undergone modernization, with plans to select additional pilot courts in the future.

Ambassador Kent D. Logsdon emphasized the United States’ readiness to continue aiding Moldova in its pursuit of a fair and transparent judiciary, as well as in the broader campaign against corruption. The collaborative efforts between the two nations aim to contribute to the strengthening of Moldova’s legal system and its alignment with international standards. The U.S. officials expressed optimism about the positive impact these initiatives would have on the country’s overall justice framework and its standing within the global community.

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