UE Delegation Chief on European Commission’s Recommendation: Prelude to the Next Step

The Head of the EU Delegation in Moldova, Janis Mazeiks, refers to the European Commission’s recommendation, addressed to the member states, to start accession negotiations for our country as a “prelude.” The statement was made by the diplomat in the studio of TVR Moldova, in response to a question about our country’s next step towards European integration.

“The next step means commencing accession negotiations. I would describe it as a prelude to the next step. This was a necessary element to reach the next step. I want to congratulate all the citizens for achieving this,” Mazeiks said.

Source: TVR Moldova

On November 8, the European Commission suggested that member states open accession negotiations for Moldova and Ukraine. This occurred after evaluating the report on the progress made in implementing European recommendations.

The final decision regarding the opening of accession negotiations is expected to be made in mid-December. At that time, the EU Council would discuss the matter, and member states will need to unanimously vote on the resolution.


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