Fashion design is an art, and art demands talent, passion, and a lot of hard work. At the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University in Chișinău, students of the Bachelor’s degree program in Fashion Design are guided with skill by their teachers throughout their studies, and they undeniably gather appreciation and laurels. Evidence of this is seen in national and international Fashion Contests and Festivals, where they have returned with Diplomas and Trophies. Last but not least, there is the “UNIVER ART FASHION” Parade, which has reached its third edition in 2023.
On June 30 the “Valea Morilor” Park hosted the “Univer Art Fashion” event, 2023, which emphasized colors and intensified inspiration and positive emotions for all those present.
During the parade, eight fashion collections were presented, created by graduates of the Fashion Design bachelor’s program, class of 2023.
Congratulations to the graduates and coordinators Vasile Vozian, Eugen Reabenchi, Ala Lupu-Leancă, and the entire teaching staff who dedicated themselves to the realization of the presented fashion collections.
The “Univer Art Fashion” event, 3rd edition, was organized by the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of UPSC, with the main partner being the Chișinău City Hall, the media partner being the Public Company Teleradio Moldova, and partners including the AD Models Modeling School, NBA – Nicoleta Bugan Academy Modeling School, presenter Alex Luca, and opera singer Radu Chiochiu.
The Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University in Chișinău has been continuously contributing to the development and perpetuation of art for over 20 years. It has inspired multiple generations of graduates who have enthusiastically and dedicatedly turned their passion into a business, not only in Moldova but also beyond its borders.