Unlocking Partnerships: EPC Summit Enhances EU Collaboration, but Falls Short on Security Solutions

The recent European Political Community Summit held in Chișinău has been regarded as a valuable platform for establishing partnerships with the European Union. However, experts participating in a debate organized by the IPN News Agency argue that the summit did not directly focus on addressing security issues.

According to the experts, new security mechanisms will be devised for the region following the conclusion of the conflict in Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova possesses all the leverage necessary to resolve the Transnistrian dispute.

While the European Political Community Summit in Chișinău has provided a favorable context for reshaping Moldova’s external perception, including decisions regarding the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict, the responsibility lies with the authorities, as emphasized by former Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Cristina Lesnic.

“Throughout the discussions, we have often heard talks about conflicts and the ways in which regional security should be safeguarded. The EU stands in solidarity and unity to address these vulnerabilities. However, no one will ever shape the internal agenda that we must fulfill. No matter how much effort is invested in opening up to the EU, unless we address our domestic issues, we cannot solely rely on trust,” stated Cristina Lesnic.

To achieve the demilitarization of the Transnistrian region, more than internal efforts are required. It necessitates coordinated political steps with external partners, taking into account the presence of Russian military forces, explained former Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Alexandru Flenchea.


“It is a process that requires more than just internal endeavors. Obviously, coordinated steps are needed with our partners and those who will have to depart from our territory, such as the Russian military. We will have a window of authority that we have not had before, once this war ends. Peace will be established, and European and global leaders will want this peace to be stable, sustainable, and long-term,” noted Alexandru Flenchea.

Previously, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicu Popescu stated on Radio Moldova that the authorities aim to find a solution for the country’s reintegration by 2030, or EU accession will occur with subsequent reintegration. European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, suggested at the European Political Community Summit in early June that the Republic of Moldova could join the European Union prior to a political settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, following a similar model to Cyprus.

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