(VIDEO) How much money are we spending on presidential elections and referendums? Caraman: Democracy costs

Moldova will spend 300 million lei for both rounds of the presidential elections and the referendum on European integration, the head of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Angela Caraman, said during the program “Realitatea te priveste” with Valentina Ursu.

The official said Moldova will spend 250 million lei for the presidential elections, including the second round. Authorities have planned about 37 million lei for the referendum and about 19 million lei for postal voting.

“Saying that democracy costs money is an understatement, but properly organizing an election requires certain expenses. When they decided to combine these two exercises, they achieved an economy of means,” Caraman announced in the studio of RLIVE TV.


At the same time, the CEC chief noted that the institution she heads is the largest employer in the country during the election period. She said authorities will pay more than 22,000 people to perform the duties of election officials.

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