Video Ion Ceban is facing removal from office

Ion Ceban alleges that the government intends “to remove” him from his position as mayor of the capital and prohibit him from holding public office. The statement was made today at a press conference broadcast by Rlive. md.

“There is an attempt to remove me from office with instructions from above. We have received information from various sources. The ultimate goal is to ban me from holding public office. They are attempting to prevent me from running for mayor or president, as well as holding any other office in this regard,” said the mayor.

Ion Ceban also added: “I had no intentions, I am referring to the presidential elections. The Mayor of Chisinau informed the diplomatic missions and international structures about all this.

“We will continue to inform you of the misdeeds and abuses of the ruling party in this regard, “Ceban added.

At the same time, the mayor of Chisinau added that city hall employees are also being intimidated, forced to write provisions and told that they will end up badly.

“Dozens of such lawsuits involve representatives of the city administration and heads of subdivisions. Ilie Ceban has 3 files opened and has been summoned to the CNA about 6 times only in the last period, Deputy Mayor Olga Ursu has one file and has recently been summoned to the CNA 3 times and has been called as a witness, Irina Gutnic has one file, Mrs Cutasevici has one file. Practically all the heads of directorates and companies have the same files and summonses on different subjects. In just one month, we have received more than 100 requests for information about alleged illegal actions by City Hall employees, and these come from law enforcement agencies, often 90% of the actions, letters, and approaches from PAS representatives”, Ceban also comments.


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