(VIDEO) Is it still possible to motivate the diaspora to turn out in large numbers to vote like they did in 2016? Maia Sandu’s candid response

President Maia Sandu was asked during journalist Nata Albot’s podcast, “Multumesc pentru întrebare” (Thank you for the question) if she still believes she can inspire the diaspora to turn out and wait in line to vote in 2024, as they did in 2016. Journalist Nata Albot published the interview on YouTube on Wednesday evening, September 11.

“It’s challenging. People expect everything to change within four years, and while I don’t want to make excuses, even though it has been difficult, it’s natural that some expectations remain unmet. We continue to communicate with them, sharing what we’ve achieved and our plans for the future. What encourages me is that Moldovans in the diaspora still care about Moldova, regardless of their opinion of me. It shows they haven’t severed ties and are, in some way, considering returning.”

“Many of the people I’ve spoken to are considering returning. Once we achieve significant improvements across various sectors, we can start talking about a serious return. And, of course, the war needs to end, as it is a major obstacle keeping people away from home,” Maia Sandu added.


We remind you that Maia Sandu’s term ends this year, and she has announced her candidacy for another one. The presidential elections will happen on October 20, the same day as the constitutional referendum on Moldova’s accession to the EU.

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