(VIDEO) MEP Siegfried Muresan says pre-accession funds will reach Moldova in 2027

Pre-accession funds will reach Moldova in 2027, but until then, the European Union will continue to support our country, assures Romanian MEP Siegfried Muresan during the Rezoomat show with Ileana Pirgaru, broadcast on RLIVE TV.

According to Muresan, the European Union distributes pre-accession funds every seven years. The funds are intended for large projects which require more than a year to complete.

“It is important that as many European funds as possible come to the Republic of Moldova, regardless of their name. (…) The current funds cover similar areas and increase year by year. Whenever Moldova needed more funds, the European Union stepped in to help. This included funds for energy and macro-financial assistance. The EU will provide as many funds as necessary; if Moldova needs more, the EU will supply them. It will be called pre-accession funds in 2027,” said Muresan.


According to the MEP, the EU last distributed pre-accession funds for 2021-2027, when Moldova was not yet a candidate country for EU membership.

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