Video The European Union has allocated €2 million! Support labour market reform in Moldova

The European Union and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are providing €2 million to support the reform and development of Moldova’s labour market. The funding will specifically aid in the reform of key institutions in the field.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has launched a project titled “EU support for a more inclusive labour market in the Republic of Moldova” in Chisinau. The project will run for two years and aims, to enhance access to better employment opportunities in the Republic of Moldova.

According to Alexei Buzu, within just a few months of the State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) reform, 365 cases of undeclared work were identified. More than 80% of these cases have been legalized, which is a significant increase compared to an average of 40 cases over a similar period in the last 5 years.

“In 2023, the National Employment Agency employed over 11,000 jobseekers and provided career counselling to more than 16,000 individuals, primarily students and pupils.
We express our gratitude to our development partners at the European Commission and the International Labour Organisation for their support in initiating and implementing these reforms, which have resulted in visible progress for our citizens,” said the Minister of Labour and Social Protection.

One of the objectives of the Project is to increase the performance of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MMPS) and the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) in combating exclusion from the labour market. Therefore, the project will include diversifying employment services and programmes, expanding personalised service provision, improving the performance management system, and enhancing the internal training system for ANOFM staff.

“As Moldova prepares to join the EU, this is a considerable opportunity to boost the labour market and social protection systems. Ultimately, Moldova’s wealth stems from its people. Investing in their skills, creating quality jobs, and fighting poverty and social exclusion are all win-win situations for both social inclusion and the economy. Today, ILO DG Houngbo and I are launching a new EU-ILO project aimed at improving employment prospects and promoting inclusivity and prosperity in Moldova in preparation for EU accession,” said European Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit in Chisinau.

The initiative aims to improve working conditions and protect workers’ rights. It also involves reviewing the legal framework and internal policies, strategically planning inspection visits, improving the training system for ISM staff, modernising ISM procedures and information systems, working closely with social partners, and providing material support. The International Labour Organisation has committed to providing technical assistance, relevant methodologies, and tools to achieve this goal.


“I returned to Moldova to reiterate to our tripartite constituents that the ILO is dedicated to collaborating with them to enhance access to high-quality employment opportunities and to build a labour market that is inclusive and equitable. I thank the European Commission for supporting our common goal of promoting decent work in Moldova,” said IOM Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo.

Statistics show that in Moldova, nearly 30% of young people are unemployed or not in education or training. Women’s participation rate in the labour market is over 40%, and people with disabilities face challenges in finding and retaining jobs and receiving fair treatment.

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