VinOPERA Returns in 2023, at Castel Mimi! The Schedule of the VIth Edition of the Festival

The VI-th Edition of the International Classical Music Festival VinOPERA, organized by the Constantin Mimi Foundation, will take place from August 30th to September 1st, 2023, at three different locations in the Anenii Noi district: the village of Varnița, the village of Bulboaca, and Castel Mimi.

Through the organization of the event “VinOPERA,” the Constantin Mimi Foundation contributes to fulfilling its mission of promoting tourism in the region, cultural and national values, contributing to the improvement of the local economy, social inclusion, and sustainable development. This year’s festival edition offers a unique experience in a picturesque setting, combining classical music and quality wines with sustainability.

VinOPERA International Classical Music Festival 2023 Schedule:

August 30th, Varnița Village:

16:00 Exhibition of Folk Craftsmen – An insight into the authentic crafts of Moldova, where participants can admire and acquire traditional artworks and unique souvenirs; 18:00 “Gândul Mâței” Recital – A musical recital that blends tradition with innovation, offering a fascinating reinterpretation of classical musical pieces; 19:00 “Plăieșii” Ethnofolkloric Ensemble – A vibrant show of dance and traditional music that conveys the authenticity and richness of our culture.

August 31st, Bulboaca Village:

19:30 Constantin Moscovici – Master of Arts, People’s Artist of Moldova – Recital. A special moment where the enchanting sound of the pan flute intertwines with the artist’s passion and virtuosity. 20:30 Dj Party – Folklore Sounds – A unique atmosphere where folklore sounds merge with modern rhythms, inviting guests to dance under the starry sky.

September 1st, Castel Mimi:

  • 20:00 Symphony Concert conducted by Daniel Jinga, Master of Choir of the National Opera in Bucharest, and the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Chișinău.

A magnificent evening where internationally renowned artists will deliver a memorable performance, interpreting musical masterpieces:

  • Iordache Basalic, baritone, soloist of the National Opera in Bucharest, who has toured in Europe and Asia and performed on the same stage as great names in the world of opera.
  • Mădălina Barbu, a young soprano from Bucharest with unique vocal qualities, belonging to the rare category of coloratura sopranos.
  • Lilia Istratii, former soloist of the National Opera and Ballet Theatre “Maria Bieșu” in Chișinău and current soloist of the Romanian Opera in Craiova.

VinOPERA – Creating a Sustainable Future

The VinOPERA International Classical Music Festival stands out for its strong commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. It represents a vivid example of how cultural events can be organized with care for natural resources and their impact on the environment. The festival’s sustainability elements include:

Organizers encourage participants to use eco-friendly transportation and travel to the festival by train to reduce their carbon footprint. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy sources will be used for catering needs. The Castel MIMI team promotes recycling and responsible waste management during the festival, supports local wine producers, and advocates sustainable practices in the industry.


Individuals with special needs and their companions will enjoy facilitated access to the castle grounds, and educational programs and exhibitions are included to raise public awareness about sustainability.

The VinOPERA International Classical Music Festival represents a step forward in creating a more sustainable and responsible future for cultural events. This initiative not only brings joy through music and fine wines but also encourages a healthy, responsible, and environmentally conscious community.

VinOPERA reminds us that Moldova has so much to offer the world, from the talent of its artists to the beauty of its natural landscapes. This unique festival emphasizes our national pride and commitment to cultural development that is sustainable and in harmony with nature.

Access to the events in Varnița and Bulboaca villages is free for everyone.

For more information, visit the official page of the VinOPERA International Classical Music Festival.

The project “VinOPERA International Classical Music Festival” is funded by the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova, the Romanian Cultural Institute “Mihai Eminescu” in Chișinău, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, and is organized by the Constantin Mimi Foundation in collaboration with Castel Mimi.”

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