“We cannot allow our citizens to become refugees”: Sandu’s speech at the EPC Summit

Bring peace to the European continent and seek solutions for this. This was stated by President Maia Sandu at the beginning of the Summit of the European Political Community.

According to the president, it is necessary to act together, as in a single European family, in which the states of the EU and beyond act together to fight aggression and strengthen peace on the continent.

“The first summit showed unity and determination to act together as a family that works together. However, the European family must strengthen peace on the continent. We need to find solutions to secure the continent and counter the consequences of Russian aggression. We cannot allow our citizens to become refugees,” the head of state said.

Sandu also said that the event will address issues related to the energy crisis and climate change.

“We need to diversify our energy resources and better protect critical infrastructure and power grids.”


During the second summit of the European Political Community, created at the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron, officials will consider issues ranging from cybersecurity to migration and energy security.

European leaders will also discuss tensions on the continent, including in Azerbaijan and Armenia, and recent clashes in northern Kosovo.

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