When will the negotiations for the accession of Moldova to the EU start?

Negotiations for Moldova’s accession to the European Union could begin only in the autumn of next year. The Prime Minister Natalia GravriliČ›a made this announcement, during an interview for the NordNews. The Government will held the negotiations until the country meets all EU requirements. The prime minister added that it is premature to create a team of negotiators.

“It simply came to our notice then. There are countries that have received candidate status and it took some time for negotiations to begin. That depends on the progress we make in the areas that the European Commission. The areas are well-known: progress in the fight against corruption and justice reform. The EU wants to see the results of the evaluation of judges in the Superior Council of Magistracy, and evaluation of prosecutors in the Superior Council of Prosecutors. It wants to see an administrative capacity increase”, said Gavrilita.


“We will have a team of negotiators when the EU decides to start negotiations. We will take this decision probably at the end of the next year. It depends on our progress in the reported reforms. The evaluation will take place next autumn, with approximation “, added the Premier.

We remind you that on June 23, the European Council voted unanimously to grant the status of candidate country for the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Thus, the states are to implement the necessary reforms and adapt their legislation to the European ones.

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