Wine of Moldova Contest: Celebrating Excellence and Diversity in the Country’s Wine Industry

Over 60 wineries, presenting around 300 wine samples for judging, are participating this year in the “Wine of Moldova Contest” in its second edition. The competition results will be announced during the Winter Wine Vernissage, with the presentation of distinctions, as reported by MOLDPRES.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA), this event signifies the significance of the wine industry for the Republic of Moldova, attracting specialists from countries experienced in the viticulture and winemaking domain. It’s also an opportunity to promote their products and gain recognition for the quality and diversity of wines.

In his welcoming address to the organizers, experts, and competition participants, Vice Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, highlighted the notable achievements of the wine industry in Moldova. He emphasized the success of local producers and the sector’s prospects, underscoring the high level of competition in winemaking.

“The contest is not just a competition but a united community of passionate wine producers and experts eager to share experiences, discover the best wines, and promote the excellence of Moldovan wines. The event is a celebration of the rich taste and aromas of Moldovan wines and an opportunity to reflect on policies and ongoing efforts to support and develop this essential industry for our country,” stated the Minister.


The National Contest “Wine of Moldova” is dedicated to wines produced from native grape varieties, wines made from new Moldovan selection varieties, wines obtained by blending these with European varieties, blend wines from European varieties, and spirit beverages of viticultural origin. It is organized by the Public Institution “National Office for Vine and Wine” with the support of MAIA, technical and financial support from the strategic partner – the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), in collaboration with associations of producers of wine products with Protected Geographical Indication, the Union of Oenologists of Moldova, and other professional associations.

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