Wine Vernissage 2023: Over 2000 Visitors and an Exceptional Wine Experience

Over the weekend, around 2000 wine enthusiasts participated in one of the country’s most important wine events – the 20th edition of the Wine Vernissage 2023. This year’s event took place under the slogan “Come, Winter Story” and was dedicated to winemakers, wine connoisseurs, and all those passionate about the national pride product.

The jubilee edition was an additional reason to promote wine culture in the domestic market and highlight the unmistakable qualities of local products, focusing on sparkling wines, selected wines, and quality spirits.

Visitors had the opportunity to explore over 400 wines exhibited by more than 70 winemakers gathered under the national brand “Wine of Moldova. A Living Legend.” They also had the chance to taste among the first the over 100 new wines produced from the 2023 harvest, as well as blended wines from previous viticultural years.

Ștefan Iamandi, Director of the National Office for Vine and Wine (ONVV)

“Our anniversary event celebrates a remarkable chapter in the history of Moldovan wine, symbolizing a fascinating journey through the heritage and essence of Moldovan Wine. This significant day allows us to pay tribute to the tireless work and passion of generations of winemakers, viticulturists, and wine enthusiasts who have joined forces for the development of the wine industry. Thanks to them, Moldovan Wine is not just a product and a recognized national brand on the international stage but an authentic expression of our national spirit. The ‘Wine Vernissage’ stands out as a symbol of the relentless dedication of winemakers but also as an elite forum for wine lovers, “said the Director of ONVV.

Kent D. Logsdon, the U.S. Ambassador to Moldova

“For 18 years, the United States has proudly supported Moldovan winemakers and contributed to the creation of truly first-class, high-quality wines, which are now, to almost 90%, exported to the EU. Moldovan wine is wonderfully complex and very impressive; it’s something you can drink for fun or at any moment, along with Moldovan dishes, from mamaliga and sarmale to anything else; it’s just perfect. I am very impressed by the winemakers and their innovation, the local varieties – Fetească Regală, and Viorica, also blend with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Cabernet; it’s a very unique wine. I believe Moldova needs to continue doing what it does, namely to find innovations, to continue aiming for higher quality wines, and to create wines with amazing taste,” said the Ambassador.

This year, the distinctions of “Knight of the Wine Vernissage 2023” were awarded to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry, Vladimir Bolea, and the presidential counselor for culture and interethnic relations, Angela Brașoveanu.

Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry

“This event is special because here we appreciate the work of thousands of people who work tirelessly throughout the year for every drop in the glass. I know the considerable effort behind each bottle of wine, and the dedication, and perseverance shown by our country’s farmers so that we find value in every drop we savor. Also, I thank them for the enormous contribution they make to promote our country worldwide,” said the minister Bolea.

In addition to sparkling wines and selected wines, the vernissage also hosted a special section called “Divine Salon” dedicated to Moldovan wine distillates, featuring 8 top producers in the country with over 30 divines, including beverages that have received the status of Geographical Indication Protected (IGP) and won medals at the country’s most prestigious competition – the Brussels World Competition. After tastings, the guests of the vernissage had the opportunity to vote for the best red wine, sparkling wine, and Divine.


The winners of the competition were: “Vinăria Ungheni Vin” – Best Divine. Comrat Quality Wines Combine “CRICOVA” SA – Best Sparkling Wine “Eulogy.” “Podgoria Vin” Winery – Best Red Wine, Genesis, Fetească Neagră 2021. In total, around 500 wine bottles were sold in the 20th edition of the vernissage.

At the vernissage, guests had the chance to taste 92 wines awarded at the national “Wine of Moldova” competition held in mid-November, evaluated by an international expert jury, and produced from native and new Moldovan selection varieties.

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