With EU support, people with special needs in Moldova will be helped to get a job

To help people with disabilities find a job in the country, ten civil society organizations have signed grant contracts under the project “Civil society contributes to the inclusive and sustainable economic development of the country”. Specifically, they aim to support over 230 people with special needs.

Therefore, for the initiation and development of inclusive employment services, the ten NGOs will create consortia with two other non-governmental organizations.

Sorin Mereacre, president of the Eastern European Foundation, said the project would help create employment opportunities for the most vulnerable in society, especially in the country’s districts.

According to the officials, for the creation of a consortium, the NGOs obtained non-reimbursable aid, amounting to 50 thousand euros.

The project “Civil society contributes to the inclusive and sustainable economic development of the country” is funded by the European Union and co-financed by Sweden, implemented by the Eastern European Foundation in partnership with the European Business Association and the Contact Center, and the project budget is EUR 3,684,291

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The project will contribute to sustainable economic and social development in Moldova through the active involvement of civil society and other socio-economic actors, taking into account the provisions of the Association Agreement and the DCFTA. Among the most important objectives of the project are: supporting the reform of the Labor Code, in order to ensure an inclusive labor market, through advocacy activities, training and coaching of CSOs, SMEs and final beneficiaries; improving the business environment by promoting various methods of employment and entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship.

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