Until the deadline for submitting declarations or notifications regarding the elections for the President of Moldova and the constitutional referendum on October 20, 2024, the Audiovisual Council (CA) has received 64 notices from 73 audiovisual media services about their decision not to cover the elections this fall.
Thus, the 31 TV stations and 42 radio stations that will not cover the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum in Moldova are:

According to Article 90, Paragraph 9 of the Electoral Code of Moldova, “media service providers that do not participate in covering the elections are not allowed to broadcast paid electoral advertising.”
Furthermore, according to Point 32 of the Regulation on Election Coverage by Media Institutions, approved by CEC Decision 1137/2023, media service providers that have notified the Audiovisual Council that they will not cover the elections “are not allowed to broadcast electoral programs, including electoral advertising, except for general public interest news (such as voting procedures, relevant electoral events, voter participation, election results, and similar), in a special section and compliance with the requirements of this regulation.”
Audiovisual media service providers must publish an announcement on their official website informing the public about their decision not to cover the elections and the reason for this decision. Audiovisual media service providers should place the announcement in a visible location within 24 hours of the Audiovisual Council’s decision and keep it there until election day.
In the meeting on August 16, the members of the Council will review the declarations regarding editorial policy submitted by audiovisual media services that commit to covering the elections.