The Euro-integration questionnaire could be ready in a few days

Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița says that in the next few days the questionnaire of the European Commission could be completed, based on which the degree of preparation of the country for Euro-integration will be established. The Chief Executive says that all structures of the Government and the Parliament are working to provide the European Union with comprehensive information on the processes in the Republic of Moldova, writes

“It is the questionnaire that will provide the information for assessing the ability to become a candidate country. There are over 360 questions. All the subdivisions of the Government work on completing this questionnaire, but we also team up with colleagues in Parliament, the institutions subordinated to the Parliament, because there are questions about how to respect human rights or ensure a healthy competitive environment. We all work as a team. We hope to complete the text as soon as possible. It’s about a few days, not weeks “, said Natalia GavriliČ›a.

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The application for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union was signed by the President of the country Maia Sandu, the President of the Parliament Igor Grosu and by the Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița on March 3. It happened after Ukraine and Georgia sent similar requests to Brussels. Subsequently, on April 11, the head of diplomacy in Chisinau, Nicu Popescu, received from the European Commission the questionnaire on the basis of which the degree of preparation of the Republic of Moldova for accession to the European Union is to be established.

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