EU Ambassador’s message on May 9th – Europe Day


“On Europe Day, the European Union is with the Republic of Moldova for peace, prosperity and security! The Republic of Moldova is part of the European family. Together we are stronger!”. With such a congratulatory message, the EU Ambassador to Chisinau, Jānis Mažeiks, came today, May 9th, when Europe Day is marked, as well as Victory Day during the Second World War.

The EU ambassador says that this year, Europe Day is marked in a context that “has deeply upset and saddened us”.

“Dear friends, this year’s Europe Day is marked in a context that has deeply troubled and saddened us. In Ukraine, a cruel and unjustified war kills innocent people and entire localities are wiped off the face of the earth by the ferocity of the Russian armed forces. The war in the neighboring country involves a personal duty for all of us – to protect peace. Thus, we invite you to receive peace in your homes: Solidarity for Peace is the main message we want to convey in the activities planned for Europe Day. The European Village will take place in Chisinau on May 14th and in Edinet on May 21st. We will mark Europe Day together in Soroca, Ștefan Vodă, Ungheni, Bălți, including through the network of Euroclubs and European Information Centers from all over the country “, said the diplomat.

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Please note that in the Republic of Moldova, both holidays are marked by May 9th. The authorities in Chisinau have declared that “peace” will be celebrated in our country today.