In 2024, Moldova may reach its 1991 GDP level, believes expert Veaceslav Ionita of the “Viitorul” [“Future”] Institute of Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS Viitorul), infotag reports.

Speaking in his live program cast weekly on social networks, which was dedicated today to the 32nd anniversary of the Republic of Moldova’s Independence, Ionita offered a supposition that: “In the current year of 2023, Moldova’s GDP will most probably reach 310 billion lei. In 1991, the GDP was equal to 25.9 billion Soviet rubles, which was equivalent to 323 billion lei. Most likely, in 2024 the economy will catch up with the level of 1991,” presumes the expert.

According to him, in 2023 the income of citizens is approximately estimated at 215 billion lei. In 1991, the population of Moldova earned 10.4 billion rubles, which is equivalent to today’s 158 billion lei.

The expert cited data for 1995 when the volume of industrial production amounted to 116 billion lei, and in 2023 it is expected to reach 85 billion lei.

“Over the 32 years of independence, we have not reached the level of industrial production in 1991. Over the past 18 years, it has grown by an average of 0.6% per year. At such a pace, we need another 50 years to reach the industrial level of 1991. Without a development strategy, Moldova will not change the state of affairs in the country,” Ionita said.

In 2021, agricultural production almost equaled the level of 1991 (66 billion lei).

“Since 2022 was dry, and as this year will not be too successful, agricultural production will amount to about 44 billion lei. This is what we have had for 15 years, from 2005 to 2020,” he concluded.

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