Returning Moldovans to Receive Benefits upon Resettling in the Republic of Moldova


Moldovans residing abroad who return to live in the Republic of Moldova will benefit from several facilities, including employment support and assistance in starting businesses. These measures are part of the National Program for Encouraging Return and Integration of the Citizens of the Republic of Moldova, approved by the Executive.

“The essential objective of the program is to create European living conditions that will motivate citizens who have left abroad to return home,” emphasized the Secretary-General of the Government, Artur Mija.

“Through the implementation of the mentioned program, we aim to support citizens who wish to return or decide to return to the Republic of Moldova. We will provide solutions to the challenges individuals face during the process of returning. We will offer necessary employment support in the job market and facilitate access to social and educational medical services. We will support the launch of businesses by returning individuals and harness the diaspora’s experience for the modernization and economic development of the country. The program includes an action plan that establishes medium-term objectives and activities to be carried out at the local and national levels,” stated Artur Mija.

The program is designed for a term of 5 years, and the planned actions will be reassessed after three years and adapted according to the needs of the returning citizens and their families.