EU Ambassador Advises Moldova to Look Beyond Romania’s Example for European Integration


Moldova should not base its European integration process on Romania’s experience, says the Head of the European Union Delegation in Moldova, Janis Mazeiks. Instead, he believes that Moldova should look to the experiences of smaller countries that have joined the EU.

During the October 18th edition of the “Alternativa” TV8 show, the ambassador stated that Moldova will have some advantages in its negotiations to join the EU because “it is often easier to find mutual understanding in smaller countries due to their simpler structures.”

Mazeiks mentioned that on November 8th, a report on Moldova’s progress in implementing the nine recommendations given to it as a candidate country for the EU will be released.

He also noted that the visit of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to Chisinau a few weeks before the report’s release is a “very clear and positive signal,” which “sets the stage for a favorable report.”

However, according to the diplomat, Moldova’s progress in meeting the nine conditions is just a starting point. He emphasized that it also depends on the political attitudes of EU countries toward Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia. The EU leaders will decide how ready the EU is for the next step (expansion) and how prepared the candidate countries are. Mazeiks mentioned that it will certainly be a long-term project as there is no quick negotiation.

When asked about the characteristics of Moldova that will influence the opinions of EU member states regarding the initiation of accession negotiations, the EU Ambassador said that there wouldn’t be any significant characteristic. He suggested that there might be some advantages due to Moldova’s small size, making it easier to find mutual understanding, but he recommended looking to the experiences of other small countries that have joined the EU, rather than Romania’s, which is a larger country.

It’s worth noting that on October 12, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, visited the Republic of Moldova for a working visit. She mentioned that in early November, the European Commission will present an annual report on the EU’s enlargement, discussing Moldova’s progress as a candidate country. The report will be reviewed during the European Council summit in December, and the discussions will directly impact the country’s future.