Following the example of the Agrarian University: Moldovan Ministry of Education plans to liquidate the University of Physical Education and Sport


The University of Physical Education and Sport, modeled on the Agrarian University, should be absorbed by the State University of Moldova. The project is on the government’s agenda and is to be discussed at a meeting today, December 27.

The Ministry of Education and Science presented a project for the reorganization of the University of Physical Culture and Sport, which envisages the integration of this institution into the structure of the State University of Moldova.

By the development strategy “Education 2030” and its implementation program for 2023-2025, the Ministry of Education and Science is actively engaged in strengthening the network of higher education institutions. The main emphasis is on improving the quality of education that meets the needs of the labor market.


The reform of higher education prioritizes the strengthening of the university system. This includes the concentration of human and financial resources and the allocation of additional finances to facilitate the modernization of higher education and the research sector.

The main objective addressed by the proposed draft Government is to overcome artificial redundancy and to increase the efficiency of the current higher education system in the Republic of Moldova. This is particularly relevant in the context of demographic decline, outflow, and unemployment among young people and in the context of globalization and competition for financial resources. At the same time, it is necessary to implement new teaching methods and technologies conditioned by the development of new technologies. All these measures will create a more effective education system able to cope with the challenges of the modern world.

Socialists and communists staged a protest in front of the government. Members of the parties demonstrated against the decision that the University of Physical Education and Sport will be absorbed into the State University.

“Don’t destroy sport,” “Perciun – minister of degradation,” and “Hands off education” are some of the messages inscribed on the protesters’ placards.

The protesters claim that interests in the land belonging to the institution are behind the decision. Similar statements were also made by former rector Veaceslav Manolachi, who said that a private company is already promising apartments to employees on those premises and that a hotel could be built in place of the USEFS pool. Dan Perciun called his statements false.