The President of Romania’s Senat: accession to the European Union is not solely dependent on the efforts of the authorities


” When Moldova becomes a full member of the European Union, we will be united in the EU. These are the efforts being made by the authorities in Chisinau and Bucharest to assist the Republic of Moldova in its approach towards the European Union. However, EU membership is not solely dependent on the efforts of the authorities; citizens must also have faith in it,” Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca, President of the Romanian Senate, said on Saturday while visiting Chisinau, reports IPN.

” In the coming period, we need to focus our efforts on all the steps we need to take. We have provided technical support and expertise to ensure the road is coherent and efficient,” the Romanian official stated that there is good momentum for the integration process.

Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca observed that Romania’s GDP had tripled from the beginning of the accession process until it became a member.

“During this pre-accession period, it’s important to ensure all elements of detail and specificity to benefit from pre-accession funds. So that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova can really appreciate the benefits of European Union membership.”

On 1-2 March, Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca, the President of the Romanian Senate, is visiting Chisinau. The official is accompanied by MEPs Siegfried Muresan, Rares Bogdan and Adrian Dupu, Secretary of State for Relations with the Republic of Moldova.