(DOC) Several TV stations are under the scrutiny of the authorities. The information they are required to present


Nine TV stations, including GRT in UTA Gagauzia, Mega TV, Cinema 1, Exclusive TV, N4, and two radio stations, Retro FM and GRT FM, have been subject to an inspection by the Council for the Promotion of Investment Projects of National Importance. In this respect, the Investment Agency received 37 files.

In the case of eight companies, the Investment Promotion Council requested additional financial information, including the submission of supporting and confirming documents for all payments and receipts exceeding the amount of 10 thousand lei, the list of receipts and payments from resident and non-resident accounts held (including date, amount of transaction, recipient, and sender) for the period January 2022 – March 2024.

Moreover, in their case, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) was also referred to verify suspicions of their affiliation with the Plahotniuc-Sor grouping and the “Chance” political party.


The Investment Agency decided it at a meeting held on 26 April 2024.

Proces verbal nr. 6/Consili… by Realitatea.md

In March of this year, the Council for the Promotion of Investment Projects of National Importance decided temporarily to suspend the license of “Media Content Distribution” Ltd (Channel 5, Maestro FM) due to reasonable suspicion that the company’s beneficial owners were involved in activities impacting state security.