The Republic of Moldova has no problem with gas supply! Chisinau increases methane stock


The Republic of Moldova will store about 15% of its average annual natural gas consumption, of which more than 30% will constitute security stocks, according to new decisions approved at Wednesday’s 29 May meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. These measures are essential to ensure the security of natural gas supply in case of exceptional situations, reports

According to calculations of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE), submitted to the Ministry of Energy, the total amount needed for natural gas storage is over 149 million m³. Of this amount, about 47 million m³ will constitute security stocks, equivalent to 10 days of consumption in the winter season. Previously, security stocks covered only eight days of domestic consumption.

The joint-stock company “Energocom” has been designated as the company responsible for concluding the necessary agreements and contracts with the operators of the storage facilities. “Energocom” will keep separate records of transactions related to these security stocks’ creation and maintenance.


By 1 October of each calendar year, member countries of the Energy Community or the European Union will purchase and store the gas volumes in storage facilities.

These measures are essential to protect the Moldovan population and economy from possible energy crises, ensuring a constant and secure natural gas supply.