Prime Minister Dorin Recean met US Charge d’Affaires in Moldova Nina Maria Fite

Prime Minister Dorin Recean met with US Charge d’Affaires to Moldova Nina Maria Fite. The discussions focused on the consistent bilateral partnership at all levels and the extensive cooperation program with the USA.

The officials highlighted the modernization projects in Moldova, carried with the support of the US side. The sides discussed the possibilities of additional support for the energy sector and the process of Ukraine’s reconstruction. The officials discussed how Moldova manages the flow of refugees from Ukraine and integrates them into the education, medical, and labor market systems.

They agreed to boost bilateral cooperation in cyber security, reduce misinformation on the Internet, and combat propaganda, especially in light of the upcoming presidential elections and the referendum on European integration. Filat voiced hope that the USA will participate in the Partnership Platform with Moldova, scheduled for September this year in Chisinau.


Diplomat Nina Maria Fite will head the US mission in Moldova until a new ambassador is appointed.

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