Muresan: European Parliament will adopt a resolution on Moldova in October

At the first plenary session of the European Parliament in October, the deputies will discuss Moldova’s sustainability during the presidential election and adopt a resolution concerning the republic. This was stated by MEP Siegfried Muresan.

He said that at the EP meeting on October 8, the debates on the resolution entitled “Strengthening Moldova’s resilience in the face of Russian interference before the presidential election” will be held, and the voting on the document will take place in the following days.

Muresan emphasized that he was one of the initiators of the debate on the resolution in the EP and insisted that it be put on the parliament’s agenda as soon as possible.


“Moldova is a candidate for accession to the European Union, with which we started negotiations this year. Moldova is also in our immediate neighborhood. Thus, the security and stability of the European Union also depends on how secure and stable Moldova is,” the MEP said.

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