Russia to decide whether to lift the imposed embargo or not?

By the end of the next week, Russia might come with a decision regarding the quality of Moldovan fruits and vegetables. The announcement was made by the Minister of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolea.

“After the meeting with the ambassador of the Russian Federation, the decision was made to create a group of experts. From the Republic of Moldova it is the National Agency for Food Safety. From the Russian Federation it is Rosselhoznadzor. Thus, they will discuss and have to come up with an answer following investigations. We hope to have an answer by the end of next week. As far as I know, ANSA has already sent a letter to Rosselhoznadzor. Russia has received it and we are waiting for a response,” said Vladimir Bolea.


On August 11, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry received a letter from the authorities of the Russian Federation. In the letter it was communicated that, starting from August 15, the import of products from several regions of Moldova will be prohibited. Exeption except for the districts on the left side of the Dniester in the Republic of Moldova. The reason for this decision would be the non-conformity of the phytosanitary status of domestic plant products and the identification of 5 quarantine pests in the imported lots.

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