Life-saving equipment! The maternity hospital in Balti will offer the best medical services in the north of the country

At the maternity hospital in Bălți, women will give birth in comfortable and safe conditions. Colossal investments were made both in the modernization of the institution and in its endowment with life-saving equipment. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA), with the support of the Government of the United States of America, donated equipment worth 520 thousand dollars. Thanks to this investment, the maternity wards, intensive care, gynecology wards, operating rooms and post-operative rooms were equipped.

On October 12, 2022, the inauguration event of the equipped and renovated maternity took place. In the same day, more than 30 women brought new lives into this world.

“Just today we were informed that 33 births took place in this hospital. In other words, 33 miracles happened just today. And this is very much in line with what UNFPA offers and does in Moldova. Since the beginning of this war, UNFPA has advanced its efforts, together with our partners, to strengthen the national public health system and to ensure that both women from the Republic of Moldova and refugee women from Ukraine can obtain high-quality services, uninterrupted services namely in the field of births, for newborns and in the field of reproductive health”, declares UN Deputy Secretary-General and UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, Ib Petersen.


“We repaired the perinatal center with the support of the state budget and also provided equipment, but most of the equipment was provided by UNFPA. We are talking about very important equipment, which will improve the quality of medical services, will save the lives of small newborns and mothers”, stated the Minister of Health of the Republic of Moldova, Ala Nemerenco.

“Equipping the perinatal center with high-performance medical equipment is another valuable step in strengthening the reproductive health care system. The Balti Maternity Hospital is one of the 9 medical institutions that will be modernized from the UN population fund with the financial support of the US Government. We appreciate and thank you for the permanent and substantial support given over the years to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. 20 years ago, because of these conditions, I risked losing my life and not only mine, but also the little girl I was expecting. A sad experience, which has been experienced by many women. I really hope that these experiences will remain \in the past”, said deputy Liliana Grosu.

“UNFPA continues to provide all the support to the Republic of Moldova to ensure free reproductive and sexual health services, which are offered and will be offered to both women from the Republic of Moldova and refugee women from Ukraine. And today UNFPA proudly offers this help from partners together with donors. Today we started the delivery of this state-of-the-art equipment to 7 perinatal centers and 2 centralized hospitals in the Republic of Moldova”, says UN Deputy Secretary General and UNFPA Deputy Executive Director, Ib Petersen.

Thus, with the support of the United States government, thousands of women will give birth safely and have access to quality gynecological services. More than 2,500 children are born in Balti every year.

This endowment event is the first in an endowment cycle that represents the quantum leap in quality reproductive medicine services for expectant mothers and women in general.

During the next 2 months, UNFPA will fully equip 22 delivery rooms and 14 operating rooms, which will ensure safe births for more than 15 thousand children.

Newborns in critical conditions will be saved thanks to modern equipment that will be installed in the intensive care units of seven hospitals.

Fourteen operating rooms will be completely modernized. A new room for gynecological operations will be equipped in the Chisinau Oncological Institute and will halve the waiting time for female oncological operations.

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