The competition for the financing of cinematographic projects was launched in Moldova

The National Cinematography Center of the Republic of Moldova, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, in partnership with the Association of COR Companies, the Mediacor Center and the Future Technologies Project – funded by USAID and Sweden – announces the launch of the competition for financing cinematographic projects, session 2023.

Thus, production houses are invited to participate in the following sections:

  • Film projects in development;
  • Feature film production;
  • Short film production;
  • Post-production;
  • Minority co-productions;
  • Debut.

The competition is held in two stages:

  • Evaluation of the Creative File. In the first stage of the competition, the submission and evaluation of the creative file by an evaluation Commission and the Public Presentation of the Projects before a specialized jury take place.
  • Evaluation of the Technical File. Those promoted in the second stage must submit the technical file within 15 days from the date of publication of the results of the first stage of the competition.


The 2023 contest session of cinematographic projects takes place in partnership with the Technologies of the Future Project, funded by USAID and Sweden, of the Association of Creative Companies COR, the Mediacor center, which will ensure:

  • Organization of the public presentation of film projects (Pitch), including live transmission with simultaneous English translation.
  • Judging of the Pitch by 3 international representatives from cinematography
  • Evaluation of scenarios by 5 international experts
  • 3 Prizes worth $1,500 for participation in international film festivals or platforms.
  • 4 Vouchers worth $1,000 for filming equipment rental.
  • The online filing period is between February 14 and March 21, 2023, 11:59 p.m.

The budget allocated for the 2023 session is 8,300,000 lei. The funding ceilings for cinematographic projects by category were established, with the right to modify them within the limit of 15% at the decision of the Council, as follows:

400.0 thousand lei – for fiction feature film;
800.0 thousand lei – for feature-length documentary film;
700.0 thousand lei – for co-production;
200.0 thousand lei – for short fiction film;
120.0 thousand lei – for short documentary film;
100.0 thousand lei – for project development.

According to the Regulations, the files for the Cinematographic Project Contest are submitted online on the CNC website – The link to the application form can be found here.

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