Moldova-Russia relationship, negatively affected by the war

The evolution of the security situation in the region is unpredictable, in the context of the war waged by Russia in Ukraine. The statement belongs to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicu Popescu, and was made during an interview for TVR Moldova. The official added that the analysis carried out so far show that the Republic of Moldova is not in danger at the moment.

“Obviously, the Republic of Moldova is very affected, both in terms of security and economically, and energetically, and this concern hangs over us. As a government, we prepare for all kinds of scenarios. At the same time, we do not see imminent risks that have appeared in the last weeks and months, which would change this calculation”.

Even so, the minister explained that the government is preparing for any developments.

“We see that the war in Ukraine continues, the front line is evolving. It is a tragedy, it affects us. No one can give answers about how the situation will evolve in the future. The relationship of the Republic of Moldova with the Russian Federation is very negatively affected by this war. We strongly condemned the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Obviously, this and this war greatly complicated these bilateral relations which were complicated even before this war”.


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