
MoldovaLive covers a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from political, economic, and social developments to the ongoing journey of the Republic of Moldova towards European integration. Our specialized section, “Discover Moldova,” delves deep into the intricate tapestry of our nation’s culture, traditions, tourism, and natural beauty. With an unwavering commitment to innovation, creativity, and modernisation, MoldovaLive passionately portrays the alignment of the Republic of Moldova with the progressive values of European and global civilization.

As a primary news source for international media and an essential information hub for residents and expatriates alike, MoldovaLive serves as a vital link between our country and the global community. Furthermore, it stands as a foundational platform for diaspora members to share our Discover Moldova content across their networks worldwide.

Our weekly newsletter reaches over 500 recipients, including international media outlets, diplomats, international organizations both in Moldova and abroad, governmental institutions, the diaspora, and individuals spanning across Europe and beyond.

For more information, we can be contacted by email at contact@moldovalive.md and contact@realitatea.md.

We offer various avenues for social and commercial collaboration:

  • Publishing news on MoldovaLive.md
  • Amplifying content across social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Telegram
  • Inclusion and dissemination of news items within our newsletter
  • Conducting written interviews
  • We are offering comprehensive promotion packages, including publication on MoldovaLive.md, widespread distribution across social networks, inclusion in the newsletter, and supplementary exposure on Realitatea.md.

Our collaboration formats are meticulously tailored to suit each project’s distinct requirements and objectives. As part of the esteemed Realitatea Press Group, MoldovaLive proudly upholds its dedication to journalistic integrity and excellence.

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