After his political party was banned, Shor took his case to the ECHR. VIDEO with Maia Sandu’s reaction

Maia Sandu has stated that the Republic of Moldova will defend its interests at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) following complaints from members of the outlawed Shor party that the party was declared unconstitutional. The authorities in Chisinau have relevant arguments to support their position, argues the President.

The given explanation is that party representatives are on international sanctions lists of states where the independence of institutions is not questioned.

” As with any other situation, the Republic of Moldova presents its arguments and explains the reasoning behind its decisions. The arguments are clear and credible. This criminal group has been convicted or is under investigation not only in the Republic of Moldova but also appears on lists of international sanctions approved by EU countries, the USA, and Switzerland.

These are strong arguments, and the state of justice in the Republic of Moldova is not in question. We are referring to decisions made by institutions in countries where their credibility is not in question,” commented Maia Sandu.


Last week, Marina Tauber announced that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) had agreed to review the case regarding the unconstitutionality of the Shor party. The Ministry of Justice representatives have not yet commented on the subject.

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