“An Evening in the Park” with music and quality wine. How did the 6th edition of the festival go?

The open-air hall of the Green Theater became overcrowded with the several thousand spectators who came to spend “An Evening in the Park” in the company of beloved musicians and the orchestra of the National Opera and Ballet Theater conductor Dumitru Carciumaru.

On the stage of the Green Theater, there were people with famous names from the local music scene and renowned musicians from across the Prut, and the audience showered them all with applause.

Spectators cooled down on a scorching July day with wines chilled on ice by Castel Mimi, partner of the event for the third year in a row. The winery chose to delight the public with wines from local varieties, and the public lined up at the two stands to select their favorite wine.


“We at Castel Mimi are proud to support all that is local and indigenous. We are partners at this concert featuring local stars, and we are delighting the guests’ tastes today with wine from local varieties Feteasca Regala, Feteasca Albasca, and Viorica – the wonderful blend of Sanzienele wine we taste here with today,” says Ala Samoilenco, Marketing Director, Castel Mimi.

Symphonic Music Festival “An Evening in the Park” 6th edition took place on July 6.

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