An MEP requested a declaration of support for the Republic of Moldova

An MEP from the Greens group, Markéta Gregorova, requested, on Monday, a statement of support from the European Parliament for the Republic of Moldova, after the statements of President Maia Sandu about the Russian Federation allegedly having a plan underway to remove the leadership from Chisinau, writes G4Media.RO.

Gregorova addressed the request to the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, at the opening of the plenary session in Strasbourg.

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, stated that Russia plans to involve saboteurs with military training, camouflaged in civilian clothes, attack state institutions and take hostages. She also said that “through violent actions disguised as protests by the so-called opposition, the change of power in Chisinau would be forced.”


“The documents received from our Ukrainian partners demonstrate good documentation of the locations and logistical aspects for the organization of these subversive activities. Also, the plan involves the use of people from outside the country for violent actions. For example, the materials contain instructions on the rules of entry into the Republic of Moldova for citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Serbia, and Montenegro”.

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