Ana Revenco assures EU experts that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is trying to be in control of the situation

The Minister of the Interior, Ana Revenco, had a technical meeting with EEAS and European Commission experts, who evaluated, at the last stage, the immediate intervention needs of internal affairs in crisis situations. According to a statement issued by the MIA to the media on Tuesday, February 14, during the discussions, the official presented to the members of the mission the needs of the internal affairs system of the Republic of Moldova at the current stage and the steps taken by the institution to face the challenges from outside, in the context the war in Ukraine.

“The minister communicated about the subversive actions taking place on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and the attempts to destabilize the situation, to undermine the state, in order to stop the European course of our country. The official also added that the MAI knows its needs and constantly takes actions to respond to public order disturbances, identify and mitigate hybrid threats and their manifestations, but also to combat cross-border crime, including building a modern security system and flexible to deal with exceptional situations”, reads the MAI press release.

The MAI statement does not say anything about what statements the other party made.


The delegation of experts from the EU institutions traveled, a month ago, to several regions of the country, to analyze the reality on the ground, including in the border area, but also to identify, together with the specialists of the Ministry of the Interior of Moldova, the intervention priorities financial necessary for domestic affairs to effectively respond to threats. The intervention mission of the European Commission is an expression of the materialization of the extended security policies and initiatives, generated by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, by the European Commissioner, Ylva Johansonn and by the team coordinated by Peter Wagner, Head of Service “Foreign Policy Instruments” of the European Commission.

We remind you that the President Maia Sandu announced, the day before, that the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) has information about plans to involve the citizens of Russia, Belarus, Serbia and Montenegro in unconstitutional actions on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, in short to overthrow the current lead. Immediately, the first deputy prime minister and foreign minister of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, demanded an explanation for such accusations.

Later, the PAS deputy Adrian Cheptonar gave details, such as that the Serbian subversives wanted to enter the territory as microbists. Sheriff has a football match with Partizan Belgrade on February 16 at the Zimbru stadium. In a way, the Border Police confirmed this version, because they informed that the Serbian microbiologists could not justify the purpose of the visit to the Republic of Moldova. Thus, at least 12 turned back.

It should also be mentioned that the USA cannot confirm the information about Russia’s attempts to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova. Previously, the deputy general secretary of NATO, Mircea Geoană, had declared that the plan exists, but there are not enough forces to reach us.

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