Tag: MAI

Historic event at MAI. Three Carabinieri are going to Kosovo to help with the peacekeeping mission

On Friday, 19 April, three employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) from the Inspectorate General of Carabinieri (IGC) were deployed to participate in the international peacekeeping operation in Kosovo as...

The initial stage of negotiating Moldova’s accession to the EU has been taken. Explanatory screening session in Brussels by the Ministry of the Interior

A delegation from the Ministry of the Interior, led by State Secretary Andrei Cecoltan, along with representatives from the General Prosecutor's Office and the Public Services Agency, is currently on an official...

US Donates $360,000 Worth of Equipment to Enhance Safety and Expertise at Moldova’s Police Technical-Criminalistic Center

The Technical-Criminalistic and Judicial Expertise Center of the General Police Inspectorate received a donation of equipment for the technical-explosive unit. The event was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of...

MIA of Moldova and OSCE Discuss Regional Security and Human Trafficking

The utilization of development opportunities between the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) and the OSCE in the context of regional security, as well as in combating human trafficking, was the subject of...

Testimonies of a War of Independence Veteran: ‘On the Battlefield, I Saw Heroes…

On Independence Day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs releases a touching series of interviews with veterans who defended the Republic of Moldova at the cost of their lives in the War of...

MAI’s Revenco Announces Termination of 10 ‘Sterile’ Agreements with CIS

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has 39 agreements within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), out of which 10 are set to be terminated, announced the Minister of Interior, Ana Revenco.The official...

Ana Revenco assures EU experts that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is trying to be in control of the situation

The Minister of the Interior, Ana Revenco, had a technical meeting with EEAS and European Commission experts, who evaluated, at the last stage, the immediate intervention needs of internal affairs in crisis...

More than 600,000 refugees fleeing the war passed through Moldova

The effective management of the refugee crisis was the basic challenge faced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2022. In a totalizing video, the MAI announces that over 600,000 citizens fleeing...


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