Another huge donation from UNFPA. This time for the maternity hospital in Edineţ

Hundreds of babies in the north of the country will be born in better conditions. The maternity hospital in Edineț was equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, provided by the UN Population Fund, with the financial support of the US Government.

Annually, about 1,200 children are born in the perinatal center in Edineț. Thanks to the new $135,000 worth of equipment, newborns will have a better chance of growing and developing healthily.

“Equipment is vitally important. Women continue to give birth in all conditions, despite all crises. We are very happy to support the government in modernizing the maternity hospital and improving all the facilities. This means additional delivery and operating rooms, which will save the lives of newborns and their mothers”, said UNFPA Moldova Resident Representative, Dr. Nigina Abaszada.

The hospital in Edineț serves around 280 thousand citizens. Due to the wave of Ukrainian refugees, the number of expectant mothers who give birth in the institution’s maternity hospital has also increased.

“We consider it very important to help the population here, but also the Ukrainian refugees. It is a priority that newborns have the opportunity to have a better life and survive from day one. That’s what we do here”, said the US Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Kent D. Logsdon.

The institution was equipped with operating and delivery tables, operating lamps, anesthesia equipment, but also resuscitation tables for the intensive care units.

“We want more children to be born in safe conditions, with quality healthcare. I am sure that by working together, with the Central Government, the local authorities together with our friends, and development partners, we will be able to have as many such projects as possible, which will improve people’s lives. In this case, the lives of mothers from Edineț”, concludes Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița.


The donation will contribute to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality indicators in the Republic of Moldova and will increase the access of women from Edineț, Briceni, Dondușeni, and Ocnița to quality reproductive health services.

The maternity hospital in the Edineț district is one of the nine medical institutions in the country, equipped with medical equipment in the field of sexual and reproductive health, worth 3.6 million dollars.

By the end of the year, 22 delivery rooms will be fully equipped. Thus, about 15 thousand children will be born in safer conditions.

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