The government reacted to the Call of producers of electricity from renewable sources

The producers of electricity from renewable sources had a meeting with the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, after on Tuesday, during a press conference, they launched an appeal to Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița.

Thus, the producers of electricity from renewable sources met and discussed with the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIDR), Constantin Borosan, representatives of the National Energy Agency (ANRE) and representatives of “Moldelectrica”.

During the meeting, the producers of energy from renewable sources described the seriousness of the problems faced by the respective sector, presented proposals for their solution and the willingness to get involved in the process of improving the conditions, to make the activity possible further.

Directly, domestic producers talked about identifying a fair and appropriate mechanism for calculating and paying imbalances.

Following the discussions, it was decided to carry out a simulation of the calculation model presented by the manufacturers, based on real data on November 24. If the results would cover the costs recorded by the transmission system operator and reduce the financial burden of the imbalances recorded by all participants in the wholesale electricity market in the Republic of Moldova, the way of calculating the imbalances could be proposed to the Commission for Exceptional situations for examination.


Another topic addressed was the granting of the possibility of the centralized purchase of electricity produced from local renewable sources by S.A. “Energocom”, in view of the exercise of public service obligations for the procurement of electricity in order to ensure the necessary electricity for the domestic market.

At the same time, it was proposed that the price at which the electricity produced by local producers, operating in the free market, will be purchased by S.A. “Energocom”, in view of the exercise of public service obligations for the procurement of electricity in order to ensure the necessary electricity for the internal market, to be a fixed price, according to the Romanian model, to be lower than the price at which electricity is procured from Romania, but which would allow the operation/activity during times of crisis of renewable power plants. To be justified and coordinated with the authorities responsible for the energy field or to be established by the Commission for Exceptional Situations as a reference price.

In addition, the need to urgently adjust the method of submitting physical notifications (production forecasts) by the participants in the electricity market and access to the data held by the Distribution System Operators regarding the history of electricity generation on dispatch intervals was also discussed (every hour for the testing period, which took place from 01.01.2022 to 31.05.2022).

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