Are recent blasts in Transnistria posing a real threat to Moldova?

The explosions on the left bank of the Dniester were provoked by pro-war forces inside the Transnistrian region, President Maia Sandu said on Tuesday, after the meeting of the Supreme Security Council, notes

She explained that what recently happened in the Transnistrian region is an escalation of tensions by various forces within the region, interested in destabilizing the situation. The head of state did not specify who is coordinating these forces, but condemned any attempt to lure Moldova into actions that could disrupt peace in the country.

The Supreme Security Council noted the escalation of the situation in the Transnistrian region and decided to intensify traffic checks in the Security Zone, patrol and secure critical infrastructure objects and increase the alert level of all institutions responsible for ensuring public order and security.

“What is happening in the last 24 hours in the Transnistrian region is an escalation of tensions. Our analysis, at this time, shows that there are tensions between different forces within the region interested in destabilizing the situation. This makes the Transnistrian region vulnerable and creates risks for the Republic of Moldova “, mentioned Maia Sandu after the Supreme Security Council meeting.

The head of state assured that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent escalation, to strengthen state security and to protect the citizens. She also urged opinion leaders, social and political leaders to show maximum responsibility during this period, to share only verified information and to avoid using emotional manipulation for the sake of rating.

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Maia Sandu also rejected accusations of “economic blockade” against the Transnistrian region, recently promoted by separatist forces in Tiraspol and the Russian pro-Kremlin press: “Moldova does not plan or carry out a blockade of the Transnistrian region. We remain open to continue the dialogue for the settlement of the conflict in the region in a peaceful, diplomatically negotiated way, in order to offer the people of Moldova, including those in the Transnistrian region, the chance for a peaceful and prosperous life. “

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