Băluțel: There have been many attempts by Moscow to create the perception that the European future is not Moldova’s choice

The “European Moldova” Assembly was hailed as a historic event that showcased the unwavering determination of the people of the Republic of Moldova to become part of the European family. According to Adrian Băluțel, Secretary of State at the State Chancellery, the Sunday gathering not only conveyed a strong message to the international community about the popular support for European integration but also highlighted the importance of addressing the real issues faced by citizens and pursuing judicial reforms.

Police data indicates that between 75,000 and 80,000 people participated in the “European Moldova” Assembly, which transpired without any incidents or disruptions of public order. Government representatives lauded the exceptional mobilization capacity of Moldovan citizens in supporting the country’s European future.

“Moscow has made numerous attempts to create the perception that the European future is not the choice of Moldovan citizens. They sought to create the impression that we would not succeed amidst the country’s challenges. This event serves as proof that more people want this country to succeed, more people desire a European future, and more individuals are ready to unite around the idea of European integration rather than destabilizing the situation. That is why the assembly was non-political. In the final stages of the European integration process, it is crucial to validate it through a referendum or another democratic mechanism. For the European Union, it is not only the choice of the governing party that matters; it is vital to demonstrate popular support,” expressed Adrian Băluțel during the “Punctul pe Azi” program on TVR Moldova.


However, Dinu Plîngău, President of the Platform DA, asserted that the beauty of the “European Moldova” Assembly is overshadowed by the government’s limited capacity to reform the justice system, a concern also raised in the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) report.

“The day after this beautiful event, we witness a blow to democracy and judicial reform. It pertains to the validation of the elections in Gagauzia after all the scandals that our authorities had denounced. We have the GRECO report, and now the government cannot blame the opposition for baseless criticism. The GRECO report highlights our failures in several areas, indicating severe shortcomings. This means we must make our processes more transparent, as there are criticisms, including how laws are voted upon in Parliament. I would also add the way high-ranking positions in the judiciary have been validated,” emphasized Dinu Plîngău, President of the Platform DA.

At the conclusion of the “European Moldova” Assembly, a resolution was adopted, urging the integration aspiration to be enshrined in the Constitution, calling for the initiation of accession negotiations, condemning the inhumane and illegal war in Ukraine, and advocating for the improvement of citizens’ quality of life.

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